Como instalar el Dell PowerVault™ MD Storage Manager en Ubuntu
PowerVault™ MD Storage Manager, es un software que se utiliza para administrar los storages Dell.
Es un producto Javacoso, que corre en cualquier plataforma, pero el paquete de instalacion solo soporta distribuciones que usen RPM. Aquí veremos la forma de correrlo en Debian/Ubuntu.
Primero, debemos bajar el paquete de instalacion desde la pagina de Dell (para nuestro storage especifico) o usar el que viene en el CD.
Descomprimir el paquete en alguna ubicación temporaria y luego ejecutar el instalador, que debe estar dentro del directorio ‘MDSS/Linux’. Seguir todas las instrucciones en pantalla, son bastante simples / intuitivas.
# cd MDSS/linux/ # ./mdss_install.bin Preparing to install... Extracting the JRE from the installer archive... Unpacking the JRE... Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive... Configuring the installer for this system's environment... Launching installer... Graphical installers are not supported by the VM. The console mode will be used instead... =============================================================================== Choose Locale... ---------------- 1- Deutsch ->2- English 3- Español 4- Français CHOOSE LOCALE BY NUMBER: 2 =============================================================================== Dell MD Storage Software (created with InstallAnywhere) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation... Custom code execution Started... Custom code execution Completed... Custom code execution Started... Custom code execution Completed... Custom code execution Started... Custom code execution Completed... Custom code execution Started... Custom code execution Completed... =============================================================================== Welcome ------- This wizard installs the software necessary to discover, configure, manage, and monitor all Dell PowerVault MD Series Storage Arrays available on your network. PRESS TO CONTINUE: =============================================================================== License Agreement ----------------- Installation and Use of Dell MD Storage Software Requires Acceptance of the Following License Agreement: DELL SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT DO YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT? (Y/N): y =============================================================================== Installation Type ----------------- Please choose the Install Set to be installed by this installer. ->1- Full (Recommended) 2- Management Station 3- Host Only 4- Customize... ENTER THE NUMBER FOR THE INSTALL SET, OR PRESS TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT : 1 Custom code execution Started... Custom code execution Completed... =============================================================================== Choose MD Series Model ---------------------- Choose the MD Series storage array that you are connecting to the host server. If selecting a fibre channel option, no other models may be chosen. If choosing a non-fibre channel option, multiple selections are allowed. 1- MD3600f or MD3620f (Fibre Channel) 2- MD3600i or MD3620i (10Gb iSCSI) 3- MD3200i or MD3220i (1Gb iSCSI) 4- MD3200 or MD3220 (SAS) 5- MD3000 (SAS) 6- MD3000i (1Gb iSCSI) ENTER A COMMA-SEPARATED LIST OF NUMBERS REPRESENTING THE DESIRED CHOICES, OR PRESS TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT: 3 Custom code execution Started... Custom code execution Completed... =============================================================================== Installation Location --------------------- Where would you like to install? Default Install Folder: /opt/dell/mdstoragesoftware ENTER AN ABSOLUTE PATH, OR PRESS TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT : =============================================================================== Installation Summary -------------------- Please Review the Following Before Continuing: Product Name: Dell MD Storage Software Install Folder: /opt/dell/mdstoragesoftware Link Folder: /root Install Set: Full (Recommended) MD Storage Arrays: MD3200 or MD3220 (SAS) Disk Space Information (for Installation Target): Required: 302,447,508 bytes Available: 196,596,375,552 bytes PRESS TO CONTINUE: =============================================================================== Ready To Install ---------------- InstallAnywhere is now ready to install Dell MD Storage Software onto your system at the following location: /opt/dell/mdstoragesoftware PRESS TO INSTALL: =============================================================================== [==================|==================|==================|==================] Custom code execution Started... Custom code execution Completed... [------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------] Custom code execution Started... Custom code execution Completed... Custom code execution Started... Custom code execution Completed... Custom code execution Started... Custom code execution Completed... =============================================================================== Install Complete ---------------- Congratulations! Dell MD Storage Software has been successfully installed to: /opt/dell/mdstoragesoftware You must restart the system to complete the installation. ->1- Yes, restart my system now 2- No, I will restart my system myself later ENTER THE NUMBER FOR YOUR CHOICE, OR PRESS TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT:: 1
Una vez que termina & reinicia el equipo, debemos ir al directorio
/opt/dell/mdstoragesoftware/mdstoragemanager, en donde el instalador nos dejó
los paquetes RPM sin instalar y convertilos a .DEB usando Alien.
Para ello:
cd /opt/dell/mdstoragesoftware/mdstoragemanager sudo apt-get install alien -y sudo alien --scripts -v *.rpm sudo dpkg -i *.deb
(si falla el dpkg por alguna dependencia, volver a ejecutar la ultima linea del dpkg varias veces)
Una vez instalado, debemos modificar los scripts para que funcionen correctamente en nuestro sistema.
Debemos ir a /opt/dell/mdstoragemanager/client/ y editar 3 archivos: SMcli, SMclient y SMmonitor y en los 3, se debe modificar la primer linea, en donde dice ‘#!/bin/sh’ cambiarlo por: ‘#!/bin/bash’
vim /opt/dell/mdstoragemanager/client/SMcli vim /opt/dell/mdstoragemanager/client/SMclient vim /opt/dell/mdstoragemanager/client/SMmonitor
Editar en cada uno la primer linea y donde dice:
Por ultimo, para que el MD funcione, necesita ser ejecutado como root, por lo tanto debemos modificar el acceso directo, para que use sudo al momento de lanzarlo.
vim /opt/dell/mdstoragemanager/client/SMclient.desktop
y debemos dejarlo similar a esto:
[Desktop Entry] Name=Modular Disk Storage Manager Comment=Configures and manages Dell Storage Arrays Name[en_US.ISO8859-1]=Modular Disk Storage Manager GenericName=Modular Disk Storage Manager GenericName[en_US.ISO8859-1]=Modular Disk Storage Manager Comment[en_US.ISO8859-1]=Configures and manages Dell Storage Arrays Exec=gksudo -k -u root /opt/dell/mdstoragemanager/client/SMclient Icon=/opt/dell/mdstoragemanager/client/client_icon.png Terminal=false MultipleArgs=false Type=Application
Lo importante en ese archivo es la linea:
Exec=gksudo -k -u root /opt/dell/mdstoragemanager/client/SMclient
Con la cuál le estamos diciendo que ejecute el SMclient usando sudo.
Cuando terminamos de editarlo, lo copiamos a la carpeta de Unity
cp -fv /opt/dell/mdstoragemanager/client/SMclient.desktop /usr/share/applications/SMclient.desktop
Con eso debería funcionar todo!
Observaciones varias:
– Si cuando lo ejecutas te aparece la splash screen de Dell, pero nunca carga el software, es porque lo estás ejecutando sin sudo.
– Para correrlo a mano, y no usando el acceso directo, en una terminal ejecuta: sudo /opt/dell/mdstoragemanager/client/SMclient.
– En la lista de aplicaciones de Unity, debería aparecerte como ‘Modular Disk Storage Manager’.